Parents Association

(Parents & Friends of Oakhyrst Grange – PFOG)

PFOG is a school organisation made up from parents of the school community.

PFOG aims to:

  • Raise money for the school and for the children
  • Provide a social outlet for the school community
  • Involve parents in school activities
  • Enhance the school’s facilities
  • Enrich our children’s experiences of school life
  • Provide opportunities for good fun!

As a team, PFOG wants to:

  • Raise as much money as possible and practical
  • Offer a wide range of activities and experiences that appeal to all
  • Work towards fundraising for items or experiences that meet our key objectives of enrichment and enhancement
  • Support and promote the school’s values
  • Communicate our objectives and achievements to all parents

Over the past few years PFOG funds have provided a wonderful tree house with rope bridge, situated in our woodlands , a school Mini Bus and IT equipment.

PFOG also organises Enrichment Days, including author visits circus skills and science related events aimed at involving the whole school.

We organise and run:

  • Discos, Mufti Days and Ice Cream events
  • Race Nights, Quiz Nights, Camping, Treasure Hunts and Cake Bakes
  • Spring Ball, Summer Fayre and Christmas Raffle
  • Christmas Decorations, Christmas Party and the Easter Egg Hunt

Form Representative

Form Reps co-ordinate activities for the benefit of their Class and act as a link between the Class teacher, PFOG and the parents in their Class. Volunteers are sought on an annual basis.