On Saturday 4th March we went to Nottingham to compete in the ISA National Cross Country Competition. Four children represented our School they were Vivienne L, Isla G, Beau P and Alec W. We ran for London South. Seven people from Oakhyrst qualified including Emily S, Jude M and Ilana N, but they were not able to attend.
We placed as follows: Beau – 44th out of 77, Alec – 54 out of 77, Isla – 61st out of 85 and Vivienne – 3rd out of 85.
London South did really well and we had two podium finishes.
The drive up to Notttingham was 3 hours for a race that was 1.5km, which took only 8 minutes, but it was really fun and we enjoyed the experience.
By Isla G, Year 4 and Vivienne L, Year 4