ISA National Cross Country Championships – Saturday 4th March 2023

On Saturday 4th March we went to Nottingham to compete in the ISA National Cross Country Competition.  Four children represented our School they were Vivienne L, Isla G, Beau P and Alec W.  We ran for London South.  Seven people from Oakhyrst qualified  including Emily S, Jude M and Ilana N, but they were not able to attend.

We placed as follows: Beau – 44th out of 77, Alec – 54 out of 77, Isla – 61st out of 85 and Vivienne – 3rd out of 85.

London South did really well and we had two podium finishes.

The drive up to Notttingham was 3 hours for a race that was 1.5km, which took only 8 minutes, but it was really fun and we enjoyed the experience.

By Isla G, Year 4 and Vivienne L, Year 4