On the 3rd March 2022 our school celebrated World Book Day. It is genuinely one of the best events in the school calendar! All of the children from Year 2-6 came to school wearing their P.E. kits in order to be comfortable for the day’s activities. After registration and all of the exciting build up, we were set into groups and went off to our first activities.
First of all was Mrs. Harbott’s activity, based on Flat Stanley, in the Year 6 classroom. Firstly, we read the wonderful, witty book about how Stanley uses his difference to help, his home city of New York, fight crime. Once we had finished reading this heart warming tale, we discussed our views on it and started to come up with our own design for Stanley’s clothes. The two Year 6’s gave out blank pictures of Stanley to colour in.
Next, there was Mrs. Barker’s activity, based on Kindness Is My Superpower, in the year 3 classroom. After reading the book, we were asked to think of seven random acts of kindness like: holding the door open or saying please and thank you. We wrote them down onto a sheet of paper and then stuck on little flaps to create a window effect. If we had any time left, we were able to decorate our sheets.
Next, we went into the art room with Mrs. O’Sullivan. There we watched a short clip from Winnie the Pooh before designing a front cover for it as the original book does not have one. The excitement was raised when she announced that 5 house points would be given to the best design in each group.
After that, we took a short walk to Year 4 where Mrs. Leyshon AKA Mary Poppins welcomed us to 17 Cherry Tree Lane. We took a look in her carpet bag where we found a muffler (a type of scarf). We played a game where we passed it around trying to make the muffler into different random things. Then we used a special measuring tape that told you your personality instead of your height. After everyone had been measured, we watched a few clips from the movie before getting into pairs and writing a persuasive advertisement for a new nanny.
We went over to Miss Dance’s activity in the Year 5 classroom. In the middle of the table was a tin with pictures inside it. Our task was to analyse them and work out the person that the pictures represented. Once we realized that the person was Sir David Attenborough, we got to act out the pictures in what we thought was the order of his life.
Last but not least came Mr. Burke’s and Mrs. Oates’ activity. Firstly, we were given clipboards which had a list of different things to do in the wild. We had to tick the ones that we had done and leave the ones that we hadn’t, blank. We then told one of the teachers our favourite book which they wrote on wood and later put on display. Finally, we put camouflage cream on and tried to camouflage ourselves for a picture.
Everybody had a great time, including the teachers! All in all, it was a great day at school.
Syan P, Year 6