Monday 30th Imago Photography taking individual and sibling photographs – am Tuesday 1st U8 & U9 Football away – leave OGS 1.30pm Thursday 3rd Harvest…

Monday 30th Imago Photography taking individual and sibling photographs – am Tuesday 1st U8 & U9 Football away – leave OGS 1.30pm Thursday 3rd Harvest…
Congratulations to Shray P who finished 3rd out of 177 runners at the Run Reigate Race on Sunday 22nd September 2024. Shray battled his way…
Wednesday 25th Year 5 Bushcraft residential commences leave OGS 7.00am Well-being Wednesday – no homework Friday 27th Year 5 Bushcraft residential trip – leaving at…
On Wednesday 18th September 2024, fourteen Year 6 pupils presented their election speeches to the whole school in our weekly assembly in their drive to…
Wednesday 18.9.24 Year 6 assembly for School Council Candidates Thursday 19.9.24 School Council Elections
Monday 9.9.24 Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities commence this week Friday 13.9.24 Form Parents meeting with Mr Gear – BWA Hall 8.30am