On the morning of Thursday 31st March, our School Librarians, Syan P and Emma R helped set up a book sale in aid of the DEC’s Ukraine Humanitarian appeal. We were overwhelmed by the amount of books sent in by pupils and their families – we estimated almost 1000 books! Throughout the day, Syan and Emma worked incredibly hard and we raised just over £200 for the appeal. We still have quite a few books left, and have decided to invite children to buy more books if they want to in “Part 2” of our sale next term (although we won’t ask for any more donations, as we still have more books to sell)! We will let you know that day after the Easter break.
Thank you to you all for your donations and a big thank you to Syan and Emma for all their hard work throughout the day.
Mrs Leyshon
Year 4 Teacher and English Coordinator