St David’s School visited us on Tuesday, we all had a lot of fun playing against each other in our teams, each team played three five minute matches and my team had Mr Steel as a referee. There were quite a few goals and although we were not totally sure of the final score we think St David’s might have just beaten us, but it was close!
We had a really good time and want to thank Mr Steel and Miss Lomax for organising it. After we had finished we enjoyed a match tea.
By Grace M, Year 4
On Tuesday 21st March, Years 3 and 4 played some exciting mixed hockey matches against St David’s Purley. Oakhyrst had 6 teams and we all played 3 matches. There was some fantastic defending, some amazing goals but most importantly we had lots of fun!
It was an amazing afternoon and we thank Mr Steel, Miss Lomax and all the parents that came to watch fo their support.
Go Oakhyrst Go!
By Daniel H, Year 4