Georgia R-B, our young photographer wins Caterham Rotary Club competition

Many congratulations to Georgia R-B, Year 2 who has won Caterham Rotary Club’s Photography Competition for KS1.  This is what the judges wrote and Georgia’s photograph is shown above.

We are very pleased to inform you that Georgia has won 1st prize in the Photography Competition run by Caterham Rotary Club for KS1. We had many entries that were assessed by three local, independent judges.

 Our judges commented on Georgia’s photograph:

 ‘Good Composition’ and ‘Dramatic’.

 The picture will be displayed at Caterham Gallery and Framers in Caterham Valley, near the Asprey Fountain from July 5th.  The winner’s names may also appear in the local press and local websites.

Well done Georgia enjoy your £40 cash prize.