On Saturday 30th September Oakhyrst U9 Mixed boys and girls team entered a tournament at Caterham prep.
In the first match, Alec scored 2 goals and Jude scored 2 goals in the match against Aberdour. Even though they scored 2 goals we won 4-2 in the end.
In our Second Match, we lost 5-1. We played really good football. It was at the start of the second half.
We managed to get to the semi-finals. Logan managed to get a penalty for us. After all that they went and scored a good half volley which meant we didn’t get to the final.
We had a really good time, and we were thrilled to make it as far as we did.
Want to thank Miss Lomax and Mr Gear for all the support.
Written by Caiden H, Year 4