U11 Oakhyrst v Chinthurst Mixed Hockey Match – Wednesday 31st January 2024

On Wednesday we had a hockey match against Chinthurst.  In total Chinthurst won eleven – eight.  When we went down we were all excited because we had never heard of this school and were happy to play them.  There were three teams so two teams played at once whilst the other rested.  The first game we were all nervous, but we soon realised it’s just a fun game.

Tension filled the air as the first goal was scored by Jacob who was on the A team.  Everyone was joyous and jumping up and down.  Soon everyone got on with their games and time flew by.  As we were walking up our tummies were growling.  Luckily the amazing cooks had provided us with a scrumptious meal.  After our hotdogs we lined up either side of Chinthurst and cheered as they went through.

We went back to our tables and finished our food.  Suddenly we heard the words ‘ home time’.  We all left knowing we played a good game.

By Isla H and Myla P, Year 6