Epsom College Strings Day – Tuesday 6th February 2024

On Tuesday 6th February 8 children from Oakhyrst  Grange went to the Epsom College Strings Day.  We entered the humungous building and went into a hall with hundreds of green seats.  We practiced Avengers, Harry Potter, The Sword Dance and the Hall of the Mountain King for an hour.

Next is was lunch and everyone was starving and stared open mouthed at the chicken nuggets, chips and doughnuts for pudding.  After lunch every school played football, it was very challenging and we also took a picture for school.

Suddenly it was time.  The teachers called out ‘last rehearsal’.  We played harder than ever listening to every word Mr Wickham, our hilarious conductor said.  We were called in for afternoon tea which was a muffin and apple juice.

Finally our hearts were racing and anxiety filled our body as we played as loud as we could. The audience clapped as loud as a hundred drums.  Thank you to Mrs Stevens, Mrs Budgen and our conductor for such an amazing day.

By Ayush S and Heath K, Year 5